The Question Box, a costume that lets Mario gather coins by strolling about while wearing it, was later shown. The Boomerang Flower, which transforms Mario into Boomerang Mario and allows him to fling boomerangs, is also present.

The Super Leaf, which lets Mario transform into Tanooki Mario and attack with his raccoon-like tail while floating in the air, and the Statue Leaf, which allows Mario to change into a statue and the Propeller Box, have all been shown. However, there are also some new power-ups that provide Mario a distinctive costume with new powers. The game includes several classic items, like the Super Mushroom, Fire Flower, and Starman. The game’s health system is similar to that of other Mario games in that Mario shrinks when struck or touched by opponents or hazards, and damage while “little” results in the loss of life. Similar to past games, the goal is to reach flagpole before the time runs out. Shigeru Miyamoto, the game’s inventor, characterized Super Mario 3D Land as a “3D Mario that plays like a 2D Mario game.” Super Mario 3D Land blends aspects from old side-scrolling Mario games with those from recent open-world Mario games, making it more three-dimensional. Read on about the fun history and added features of this 3D Mario game, or jump straight to your Super Mario 3D Land 3DS Citra ROM download link. They look a little bit like nintendo style. Here are som pictures ( i will post a lot more soon :-) )īTW, the levels have been shaded, so they don't look boring and colorless. We are dealing with a one world hack that includes 3 regular levels, one special level and a boss battle. I am using Exelix levele editor ( credits to him for an amazing tool)!.

I am very happy to introduce a new hack I am working on for super mario 3d land. Please give us your thought about the hack overall! I think it is a good idea if someone can summon an admin and maybe put it on frontpage so more can play this hack! I hope you all enjoy! You will find more info about the game in the description of this youtube video :-) THANKS TO MY FRIENDS: MK7TESTER and LOUIS for supporting me I have released the first one world hack of super mario 3d land! The reason why I didn't release them all at the same time is due to the fact that i havent' had time to bug test all the levels! And I don't want you to keep waiting! I have used a lot of time on this hack! And world 2 and 3 will come later though! I hope you enjoy this one world hack !